Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 49-50: so snoozy

Umm, obviously this blog does not take place in real time. Been a bit busy, but determined to carry on now.

Dad's arm and finger movements are extremely limited and he is exhausted after doing requisite exercises. It takes a huge amount of effort from him. How much is the physio stuff really helping?

Yesterday, our care manager came in. He's a nice enough bloke but not actually from the UK and not long in the job. Upshot, he doesn't really know what we're entitled to and what's out there. Luckily physio J knows quite a bit, so she offers a lot of info to us.

I'm a bit worried about what will happen in the future. Husband will not want to stay much longer in the UK and if dad is by himself, he'll be lonely and bored. I asked J about day care centres. She said that it might be a bit 'slow' for him, i.e. the old people there were, well, pretty old and to be blunt, some were a little senile. Probably not a great environment for him to be in.

At least while I'm here I can clear out the clutter in the flat. Dad's a great hoarder of toffa. We tackled the plug and leads box today. How many cut off wires do you need exactly? He really really didn't want to throw anything away.

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