Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Days 147-148: back to the land of sound

Dad was in a foul mood yesterday. He's obsessed with getting a lenshood gadget for his latest camera and insists on shopping around to every small camera shop he knows in order to get it. As he's not fully independent, I have to go with him. At one point I had had quite enough and he threatened to go off by himself. Luckily, he didn't.

On the plus side, today he got his new hearing aids. They're sleek, dark grey, state-of-the-art masterpieces in micro- nano- digital technology. It's amazing. I don't have to shout at him, we can have a normal level conversation. In wonder, he told me how he could hear the women behind him on the bus chatting away.

It's like emerging from the cocoon of muffled sound and misunderstandings, back into the real world.

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