Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 134: Bracing himself

It's great to see how much Dad can do now - he's pretty independent, at least at home. He can wash his own hair, make his own breakfast, sort out his own clothes, handwash his underwear... he's managed to get his favourite carer to come in three mornings a week to help wash him.

Took Dad to a clinic on Harrow Road. It's some special clinic which fixes leg braces to help support you when you walk. Dad has a temporary one already which he likes. We waited for an hour - Dad kept telling me to go check that they hadn't forgotten us. I was reluctant, but did as he said. The receptionist just kept saying he didn't know when we'd be seen. In the meantime, tens of patients came and went ahead of us.

Turned out they had forgotten us.

So in a rush, they did fit us in. They were very nice and apologetic but I was pretty pissed off. Anyhow Dad's new brace is massive so they cut it down. It's a great help, but if he becomes overly reliant on it, he won't be able to walk without it.

Took the bus back home. Ken Livingstone's initiative of free bus travel for schoolkids is all very well, but they cause huge crowds at the bus stops. Most of the kids are fine but the naughty few drive the bus drivers insane and they start snapping at all and sundry. Anyhow, as I said before, it's usually the schoolkids who give their seat up to Dad, while able-bodied adults hog the priority seats, pretending they're asleep or that there's something amazingly interesting out the window...

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