Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Day 56-58: KFC yum!

Physio J says if dad's on the waiting list for wheelchairs, it will take bleeding ages ('bleeding' being my adjective, not hers). So, have to start looking for one now. Ebay seems to have loads.

Today, dad begged me again to get him some KFC. So, I got a takeaway - a 2 piece meal my personal fave. He pronounced it the best meal he'd had since leaving the hospital. Blimey, sod healthy eating or pure foods. It must be the grease.

I also took dad to see the GP who was all bright and breezy (though I'd've liked to have asked him why he didn't refer dad to see a specialist earlier rather than pursuing clueless opticians). He didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. Just kept the meds going and told dad to have regular bloodtests for cholosterol.

Getting there and back was a pain. A cool £6 each way by black cab and it's only down the road. What a rip-off taxis are.

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